This is the time of healing transition

The crux of our dilemma is that we have never truly had a health system. We have focused on reactive, disease-management paradigms that have left both professionals and community unsatisfied and unfulfilled.

We have an opportunity – right here, right now – to redefine healing care. To examine what our collective values are and have our systems reflect those in each facet. To deeply examine what it means to be healed, to be cared for. If meaning and connection are intrinsic to our purpose as beings, how might we envision a way forward together that shifts the paradigm from fear (of disease, of death, of lack) to connection (to our bodies, to each other, to this shared planet).

There is great trauma in the systems we’ve created, both in our individual bodies and the population at large. We are witnessing a social, economic, and political transformation as we enact a collective effort to mitigate the unleashed forces of a singular enemy. But what if the system is the enemy? If we look to health specifically, we could look at this as an opportunity to redefine how we live and thrive. A way of being where we acknowledge the self-healing properties of our bodies, the interconnectedness of all systems, and the ecological cycles that govern our shared experience. We are in the collapse phase of this cycle, where reorganization and regeneration will define what comes next. Let’s define the health of the planetary life by our values: compassion, connection, and equity.

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Your body doing what it is designed to do: a human trauma response during a pandemic


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